Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to make known how we collect, process and protect personal data that is provided through our website or blog (hereinafter website) and to decide freely whether you want us to process it.

Data of the Responsible / Information Society Service Provider

VAT: A46392353
Phone: +34 969124351
Registration data: Registered in the Commercial Register of Cuenca, Volume 467, Folio 56, Section 8, Cu Sheet 6619.

1. Processing of personal data
The personal data you have provided to us will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the corresponding processing activity owned by our entity.
We request the essential data to meet your request, invoice if you make a purchase or contract or maintain the relationship with you if you request it or when we are obliged to provide you with the services and / or attend your purchases on this website.

2. Purpose
Your personal data will be processed for the sole purpose of fulfilling your requests, whether customer, provider, user of our website or job applicant.
We do not send advertising without the prior consent of the user.

3. Legitimation
The processing of your data is carried out on the following bases:

  • The request for information, application for employment and / or contracting of our services and / or purchase of products.
  • Free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, since we inform you of this privacy policy, which after reading it and agreeing, can accept by ticking the boxes provided for this purpose.

You can change your mind at any time and withdraw your consent.
Our entity does not process data from minors.
In the event that the user is under 14 years of age or incapacitated, it will be necessary to have the consent of the parents, guardians or legal representative.

4. Security Measures
Our entity has implemented all the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data processed, preventing its loss, theft or unauthorized use.
Such measures are periodically checked in our regulatory compliance checks.

5. Data retention
The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from the purpose.
In the case of applications for employment, they will be kept for a maximum period of 1 year or until the data subject asks us to delete their data.

6. Stakeholders’ rights
You have the right to know if our entity is processing your personal data; therefore, you have the right to access your data, rectify it if they are inaccurate or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.
You may also exercise your right of limitation or portability if you deem it appropriate and for this purpose you can do so in writing to our entity by email to attaching a copy of your ID to identify you.
If you would like to submit any suggestions or queries about the processing of your data, you can contact our data protection consultants:

Ronda Guglielmo Marconi, 11, 26, (Parque Tecnológico) 46980 Paterna (Valencia).
Tel. 96 131 88 04

If the person wishing to exercise his rights is under the age of 14 or includesaforementioned,he or she may exercise them through his parents, guardians or legal representative.
If you want to make a claim on the understanding that your rights have been infringed, you can do so before the Spanish Data Protection Agency, C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid or in

7. Profiling
We do not profile using your personal data, but in the case of doing so you will be informed and requested permission to do so.
Likewise, you have the right to object to this type of processing at any time.

8. Data transfer
Your personal data will not be transferred to other countries or third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.
In case of purchase of products or contracting of services, your personal data may be transferred to those entities necessary to deliver the products purchased or provide our services to you.
Our bank will know your data for the management of the collection of products or services, as well as the processors necessary for the execution of the contracts and / or purchases.
In case of assignments to other entities or other countries, we will inform you and request your prior consent.

Corporate Data Protection Commitment

Scope of application
This Code of Conduct shall be mandatory for all departments, employees of our entity and those acting on our behalf.

We have established protocols of action for the processing of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Spanish and European regulations on data protection, so that the security and confidentiality of these data protection is guaranteed at all times.

License, Loyalty, Transparency, Data Minimization, Accuracy, Limitation of Retention Period, Integrity, Confidentiality and Active Responsibility.

Special category of data
The processing of personal data revealing ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, the processing of genetic or biometric data, health data or data relating to sexual orientation is prohibited, except for legally authorized exceptions and with the prior consent of the data subject.

Stakeholders’ rights
The data subjects will have the right of access to their personal data, as well as to rectify them when they are inaccurate, delete them when they are no longer necessary or do not wish to process them, limit them to certain processing, have the possibility to receive their data easily and in structured and commonly used formats of the controller, as well as that their data are used for profiling and oppose the processing at any time.

Activity Log, Impact Assessment and Security Measures
Our entity will carry out a registration of the activities of the treatment and analyze the purposes of the processing, categories of data and data, recipients, international transfers retention periods, etc., to evaluate the risks of the processing and implement the necessary security measures to safeguard the persian data under the principles of confidentiality and secrecy. Likewise, we have analyzed the need to designate a Data Protection Officer, establishing, if necessary, that the person designated for this position will comply with sufficient knowledge and experience in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations.

We have contracted the services of an external consultant, to carry out a regular audit evaluating compliance with this commitment and all legal obligations in this matter.

Updatedel on June 16, 2020